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Top 10 Highly Paid Programming Languages 2019

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The top programming languages are a core part of the modern and emerging technologies we see today.

Developers of the present-day deal with more programming languages than ever before. Similarly, many IT Outsourcing Companies are now working with a huge set of languages for building all different types of software applications.

And for those harnessing these programming languages for their needs, be it personal or commercial- there are myriad options to choose from. It is further difficult for businesses to find and hire programmers for their Custom Software Development projects due to the diverse range of languages to choose from.

The top programming languages in 2019 for developers are:

1. JavaScript

Average JavaScript Developer Salary in the US as per Indeed: $109,462 per year.

Recognized as the most popular top programming language in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019. Most popular programming language on GitHub. It seems that JavaScript has gone down in popularity since the past year as per data from Google trends. The language was at its peak score of 100 in June 2018, and as of May 2019, the score is 84.

While on the topic of JavaScript, some honorable mentions should be given to both HTML and CSS. While they are very niche in their application, they are important benchmarks for web development. Think of a leading website, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube, and you can be sure the company behind is actively seeking JavaScript programmers.

If you want to learn more about JavaScript programming, CLICK HERE and enjoy !!!

2. Python

Average Python Developer Salary in the US as per Indeed: $117,503 per year.

Python is one of the top object-oriented programming languages and 2nd in the list of Most loved top programming languages as per Stack Overflow developer survey 2019. Also recognized as the most wanted programming language in any developer survey. Second most active programming language on GitHub.There are no significant changes to Python’s popularity since last year. The language maintains a score of 88 as of May 2019, while its score in June 2018 was 85.

As a programming language, Python is appreciated for being very user-friendly. Because it’s easy to read, it’s relatively easy to learn. As a result, Python is a welcoming language for new programmers, as well as existing experts looking to learn a new skill. Likewise, it’s ease of use has seen it play important roles in key, emerging sectors, especially in the likes of robotics, data management and machine learning.

In fact, the creator of the language, Guido Van Rossum, previously worked at Google and currently works at Dropbox: two companies that regularly seek Python specialists and are encouraging its usage. It’s also an emerging go-to language for AI.

If you want to get FREE ebook guide about Python programming, CLICK HERE and enjoy !!!

3. Java

Average Java Developer salary in the US as per Indeed: $101,929 per year.

Java happens to be at the 10th place as one of the most dreaded programming languages in 2019.Third-most active top programming language on GitHub.Java scored a rating of 97 out of 100 in Google trends as of June 2018. As of May 2019, the number has dropped down to 80. This could be because of widespread use of Python as an alternative, and the intense competition between Python Vs Java.

Java has undeniably been one of the biggest winners when its comes to programming language popularity. While other languages are gaining in popularity, the amount of work already done in Java means that, whether it’s for compatibility issues or direct expansion, companies will still need Java experts moving forward. Part of the reason behind Java’s popularity is that it’s robust. Whether you’re creating web applications, mobile software or a traditional desktop solution, Java can do it.

If you want to learn more about Java programming, CLICK HERE and enjoy !!!

4. Swift

Average annual salary of a Swift Developer: $120,192

In the last couple of years, there have been a number of languages and frameworks developed specifically for mobile platforms. Swift is one of the most popular of these. Created in 2014, it’s now one of the most popular languages, both by developers and companies looking to cater to the iOS market. App studios such as KeepSafe and Solstice are hiring more and more Swift coders to keep their latest apps as competitive and modern as possible. We believe it will grow in popularity as many are moving away from older languages, such as Objective-C, which is too inefficient for creating powerful iOS apps that make the most of the platform. Programmers want something that’s more agile and streamlined. Aside from iOS devices, it also works with Linux, which is an added bonus.

Many companies are moving to Swift from older languages. Both Lyft and IBM now use it instead of Objective-C, the latter using it across their apps. Of course, Apple is also heavily invested in Swift, with smaller app companies following in the giants tread. They also saw fit to make Swift open source, a key point in making it one of the most popular languages on Github.

5. Kotlin

Average global salary for development on Kotlin: $57,000.

The average salary for Kotlin developers in the US is $125,000. Although Kotlin isn’t one of the most highly paid languages as of right now, its demand as soaring thanks to Google declaring it as the official language for android app development. Kotlin is the 15th most active top programming language on GitHub, having risen by one rank since the last year. Kotlin’s popularity has rapidly soared this year. In 2018, the score of Kotlin in Google trends was a mere 71, and as of May 2019, it scores 90 out of 100.

If Swift is our choice for native iOS development, than Kotlin is our rising star for Android. The language had strong success over the last couple of years, especially since it became an officially supported language for Android development. That said, unlike Swift, Kotlin’s use extends outside of app companies. Netflix, Uber and Trello all use Kotlin in some form to empower their products. On top of this, it is fluent with Java and even compiles into JavaScript, two of the most common options for Android, making for a very agreeable option.

6. C

Average annual salary of a C Developer: $96,776

There are many variants of C, from C# to C++, but the original still seems to be the most popular. It readily ranks highly, especially in the likes of the TIOBE index. While it was developed in the 1970s, it’s still used highly today, notably as the underlying code for Linux operating systems.

Similarly, while it’s lost some ground to more popular, modern languages, such as Python, its appreciated by developers building with high performance results in mind. It also has similarities with other languages, such as the previously mentioned Java, which were originally inspired by C. Because C even lies at the base of many other options, C specialists are useful everywhere.

Just look to the likes of RedHat and Apple, who use C to work directly with operating systems. Because of this, it’s quite common to find a lot of skilled C programmers that have since gone on to specialize in other languages as well. However, when it comes to high-performance apps or embedded programming, many of these developers still turn to C for the best results.

7. PHP

Average annual salary of a PHP Developer: $88,798

When it comes to popular programming languages, PHP is another such option that always remains consistently popular each and every year, primarily because it plays a key role in a vital area: web programming and server side scripting. Over 75% of all websites are said to utilise PHP in some way. It’s also used by WordPress, which has helped further its popularity as a web language, and it similarly empowers Wikipedia.

Developers often use it for transferring databases or using SQL. Our argument for PHP is very much like JavaScript. As long as these languages prove popular in their respective areas, it’s very difficult for a new language to take over such popularity, due to the existing infrastructure already developed.

PHP shines as a server-side web application language, so it’s no surprise the likes of Wordpress, Wikipedia and Yahoo turn to it for many of their needs.

8. Go

Average Go developer salary globally: $109,483 per year.

The average salary in the US for this top programming language is $136,000 per year. Go is the third-most highly paid language globally in the Stack Overflow developer survey 2019. The Go programming language is the fourth most active on Github. The google search popularity for Go has remained constant since the past year.

Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is syntactically similar to C, but with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing and CSP-style concurrency.

9. C++

If you want to be called a professional developer, you certainly need to know the language. C++ is best known as an efficient and flexible language used for the creation of large systems, such as desktop applications and server platforms.

It is very popular and reliable. It is considered one of the best solutions for creating applications that process music and film. There is even a very extensive list of websites and tools created based on C++. It is worth becoming acquainted with it. Knowledge of C++ appears as one of the main requirements in 7% of all job offers posted on the site Financial analysts predict that earnings in this specialization will reach at least $102,000 per year.

If you want to get FREE ebook guide for C++ programming, CLICK HERE and enjoy!!!

10. c#

C Sharp has become popular due to programmers using tools developed by Microsoft, the company that also created the language more than 15 years ago. C# is known for its simplicity and widespread use. According to Quartz Media, a portal investigating trends in the technology market, the average salary of a developer specializing in the object-oriented language will amount to $89,000.

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