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Things To Know About Drone Industry

The term 'drone' comes from the technology invention 'unmanned aircraft'. The drone or UAV (unmanned aircraft vehicle) is a specific flying vehicle or robot, that can be controlled by human with automatic remote controller thanks to the incredible sensitive sensors, GPS, flying speed, stamina and similar.

Drone flying industry is in huge rise and it will be long time around the world in so many different industries and everyday life. There are few specific things that make this industry popular and interesting...

1. The brief history

The brief history of drones started in early 1800s, or for better deal information, the very first aerial vehicle was unnamed and was seen on the sky 170 years ago as a military force in Austrian military rows. The very first drone, or for people in the deep past, ‘unnamed aerial vehicle’ was in shape of balloon and was used for bringing bombs in Austrian military attacks. Unfortunately, these aerial vehicles didn’t work properly and all that story was early ended.

Another good example of air vehicle was the first flight of Wright brothers in 1900, where they made air craft with wings. After that aircraft, Great Britain created the very first pilotless air vehicle named as Aerial Target. This aircraft was used in England military attacks by air, as all of these air vehicles before this pilotless aircraft.

2. New drone history

The beginnings were for military forces and similar, but finally after that, drones started to be used in everyday life. For example, the very first history of non-military drones was in 2006 where the corporations started to use drones in their farms for protection of pipelines and spray pesticides. As in the military sector, the same drones were used in private sector in the farms.

The first FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) drone permit was in 2006 where the modern drones started to be in use constantly and in 2015 the FAA issued 1000 drones permits after that.

Today, the drone industry is in rise, and become bigger and bigger day by day. The future will be shiny and it is hard to predict how big will be, but for sure it will be more huger then today. The rise of commercial drones is very high and it will be long, long time.

3. Drone technology

Drones are used for military and commercial purposes, for photography and video recording, but the main function of these pilotless aircraft is flight or navigation.

To be able for flying, the drone uses the battery power, then propellers, rotors, lights and similar drone's parts.

Drones are build from various technological parts and components, like:

- Power battery (fuel of the drone)

- GPS component

- Sensors

- Antenna

- Remote controller

- Cameras

- Speed measurement component

- and other...

Every drone contains different type of these components with different specifications and quality. There are drones with different size, different flying speed, different battery power and stamina, different camera quality and similar things. The technology and software system is incredibly high and on advanced level, that makes this industry huge day by day.

4. Types of drones

There are so many different types of drones related to their rotors and wings...

1. Multi rotor drone

Multi rotor drone is the most famous and popular type of drone for professional drone pilot or hobbyist. This version of drone is the most cheapest and most used by the drone pilots.

Multi rotor drone contains 3 or more rotors and its flight duration is 20-30 minutes depending of the size and numbers of rotors.

2. Single rotor drone

The single rotor drone looks like today's choppers, or simply helicopters. There is one single rotor in the center and that makes the drone to be able for flying.

These types of drones cost more than multi rotor drones, because of their high flying risks and ability for bigger flight duration.

3. Fixed wings drone

The name 'fixed wings drone' tells that this type of drone doesn't contain rotors. There are wings like an airplane and its technology is similar like a single rotor drone. Fixed wings drone doesn't use the energy to stay up in the air because of their wings.

Wings help the drone to stay in the air much more time using the same power of battery like rotors drones, around 2-3 hours flight, depending of the size and battery power.

5. Drone industry today

Drone technology is still used by military and tech development purposes day by day. However, the benefits of this technology invention are widespread in today's various sectors.

The drone industry is in rise, and become bigger and bigger day by day. The future will be much greater than today, because the rise of commercial drones is very high and it will be long, long time.

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