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5 Effective Ways To Make Money Blogging

Are you still confused for the most effective ways to starting a blog? You are looking for the right way, but you don't have expirience and idea? Don't worry anymore, this post is a little step-by-step guide how to start your own blog and make some money.

1. Pick a blogging platform

If you decide to start with blogging and write interesting blog posts for your audience, you have to pick where to start your blog. The most famous platforms for websites and blogging are and There are so much blogging platforms, but in my opinion these are the best, most famous and easy to use platforms. You have to make an account, log in and start with writing your blog posts in hope to gain more visitors and make some money using them smart. After that, you have to install and buy your hosting and domain name and help your readers to easily find you on Google searching bar when they'll type your blog post name or topic related to your blog.

2. Pick a niche

It sounds like cliche, but it is so important to pick your writing niche and start with creating blog posts on a certain topic. People like to read blog posts on a certain and unique topics, so don't be a generalist and don't write for everything around you.

Ask yourself first, 'what is the topic I want to read for' and start with writing on that topic. Choose something that you are really good at, and you will find the results. You have to write on a topic where you have the most deeper knowledge about it and can easily represent it to your audience and readers.

Also, don't write for yourself and your private life. People don't like to read biographies and something about other's people life. Pick a high productive and most famous niche and make your blog post interesting for everyone.

High reading niches and topics are about health, wealth and criptocurrency, so keep it in your mind and create a plan how to organize your blog for your audience.

3. Write on unique topics

When you pick your niche, the next step is creating an original and eye-catching blog posts for your audience and that way to build more and more visitors. For that action, you will need to write SEO based blog posts and that way your readers will find you easily and your work will be ranked higher on a Google search list.

During your writing, you need to give emphasis on your reader in the topic you write for. If you use more ' I ' and 'You' during your writing, people who read your post will feel more comfortable when you lead a friendly conversation with them and make them more satisfied.

Pick a topic related to your niche and teach your audience about something, give them usable information and that way you will get more readers and be ranked higher in a google research list.

4. Promote your blog

Create an eye-catching blog design and pick right pictures related to your niche and blog post topic.

You can easily promote your blog posts on social media platforms and get in front of the people in the right way. Create your Instagram account and post pictures related to your blog posts. Start a Facebook page and do the same thing or join to any groups on Facebook related to your account and leave your comments, likes and communicate with other people who are interested for your niche or blog post topic.

You can start your own YouTube channel and create a videos about your niche and topics and leave a links of your blog and blog post in hope to gain more visitors and readers.

Also, email marketing is still the most effective way to promote and sell your work, but it takes a lot of time and effort because building an email list is not that easy.

Pick a right way for you and promote your blog on the most effective way for you.

**If you want to know more about online marketing, CLICK HERE and learn**

5. Make some money

Another great reason why to start your own blog is to make some money. Earning passive income through your blog is a great opportunity to get paid for your writing. You can set up affiliate links during your writing or promote your own digital products related to your blogging niche and blog post topic.

When your blog will become popular and interesting for your audience, you will get a huge chance to make money and promote your products or affiliate links. This way, your audience and readers will be in front of the new information about some products and your advertising will be easier and buying chances will be higher.

You have to work hard and hustle because nothing comes overnight. Keep pushing and don't consistent and never give up!

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